Kagurabachi Man manga :
Kagurabachi is a shonen manga series in the dark fantasy genre, penned and illustrated by Takeru Hokazono. It commenced serialization in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine starting September 2023 and is an ongoing series. The English versions are being published by Viz Media and Manga Plus.
The plot centers around Chihiro Rokuhira, whose father is a famed blacksmith known for crafting distinctive swords. Chihiro aspires to become an accomplished swordsmith like his father. However, his life takes a drastic turn when sorcerers invade his home and murder his father.
Determined to avenge his father, Chihiro wields his father’s last and most potent sword, the Kagurabachi. This magical sword is powerful but carries a curse, dooming its wielder to be overwhelmed by its power over time.
Chihiro embarks on a quest to track down his father’s killers and achieve vengeance. His journey introduces him to a variety of characters: Haru, a mysterious swordsman; Sakura, a young girl also driven by revenge; and a group of mercenaries who agree to aid Chihiro for a price.
Kagurabachi is a series marked by its intense action, dark themes, and captivating storyline. It explores themes of vengeance, loss, and redemption. Chihiro, as the main character, is intricately portrayed, making his journey both thrilling and poignant.
For enthusiasts of dark fantasy manga, Kagurabachi is a standout choice, boasting a distinctive artistic style and an intriguing ensemble of characters.